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2 . 2015

Women's genital prolapse and connective tissue disease


Objective. To study the clinical manifestations of connective tissue disease, and to study the role of CTD development of genital prolapse. Using the results, choose a method of the surgical treatment the genital prolapse (GP).

Material and methods. 246 primigravidas nulliparous (mean age 24.9±0.46 years) and 346 women with genital prolapse (mean age 44.5±10 years) and classified and nonclassified forms of the DSD. We used clinical laboratory methods, physical and instrumental methods (ECG, ultrasound, echocardiography), R-logical research, urodynamics research, MRI, laser flowmetry, morphological methods. All 346 patients had surgical correction of GP.

Results. Genital prolapse – is a heterogeneous disease with various forms of manifestation. In younger patients (44.5±10 years) GP was presented by apical forms –175 (50.7%): complete and incomplete uterine prolapse and vaginal walls – 39 (11.3%) and 83 (23.9%) cases, III degree uterine prolapse – 53 (15.4%) cases. Fascial defects were not identified in 90% of cases. Traumatic birth did not exceed 20%. Electromyography signs of pudendal neuropathy were absent. Anorectal department of the pelvic diaphragm complaints characterized the dissenergy of the pelvic complex. Phenotypic of CTD criteria were identified in 88% of patients with PG. There are the dynamics of phenotypic criteria CTD in patients of different age groups. The form of GP is determined by CTD form and type of hemodynamics. The apical forms of GP correlated with size of mitral valve prolapse (mean size 0.59±0.16 cm) and in 45.5% of cases the MVP was accompanied by mitral regurgitation. The size of PMC correlated with asthenic constitution (–0.517, p=0.048), joints hypermobility, myxomatous degeneration of valves (0.480, p=0.028), apical forms of GP and rectocele, feet (–0.715; p=0.001). The apical forms of GP correlated with increase in end-diastolic volume – 102.7±31.08 ml, reduced ejection fraction, myocardial mass – 135.6±36.6 g. Rapidly births were correlated with apical forms of GP (–0.462, p=0.005). Microcirculation was manifested by: congestive type of blood supply, increase of microcirculation up to 6.6±1.84 perfusion rate – up to 2.2±0.91 coefficient of variation up to 28.9±5.46, an increase in the relative amplitude of HF – up to 21.9±5.1 (control – 18.3±1.29). The recommendations of surgical correction tipe of GP depended from the age, form of CTD, form of GP, forms of urinary incontinence.

Conclusion. PG – is a multifactorial disease with heterogeneous clinical manifestations. Pregnancy and childbirth are the predisposing factors of for the development of GP. Birth trauma in the genesis of PG does not exceed 20%. The form PG is determined by the type of CTD, hemodynamics and microcirculation, which are determined by the form of the CTD. Preference operations are the operation with "rigid" fixation with the use of synthetic materials or own tissue. The presence of GP combined forms require the use of an additional surgical techniques.

Keywords:genital prolapse, connective tissue disease, surgical treatment, mitral valve prolapse, fascial defects, urinary incontinence, childbirth, hemodynamics, microcirculation

Clin. Experiment. Surg. Petrovsky J. 2015. № 2. Р. 53–64.


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