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2 . 2015

Surgical treatment of hand pseudosyndactily in patient with epidermolis bullosa: clinical case and skin care


Epidermolis bullosa (EB) – a group of rare highly polymorphic inherited disorders characterized by erosions and bullas on the skin and mucosa due to minimal exposure. Hands and feet pseudosyndactily is a severe extra-skin complication of EB which develops due to regular blistering on the hands and feet surface, and common in patients with dystrophic EB. In this manuscript we present a clinical case of effective surgical treatment of pseudosyndactily in patient with an autosomal recessive dystrophic EB, and discuss the features of post-operative and daily skin care in patients with EB.

Keywords:epidermolis bullosa, pseudosyndactily, COL7A1

Clin. Experiment. Surg. Petrovsky J. 2015. № 2. Р. 76–82.


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Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

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