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2 . 2015

Research and practical peer-reviewed Journal "Clinical and experimental surgery. Journal named by academician B.V.Petrovsky"


- Editorial Board of the journal “Clinical and Experimental Surgery. Journal named by Academician B.V. Petrovsky” provides peer review (expert assessment) of all manuscripts submitted for publication. The Editorial Board adheres to the principles of the International organization “Committee On Publishing Ethics» (COPE; Article may be published only after receiving a positive expert assessment from two reviewers and, if necessary, a specialist in biomedical statistics.

- The editors reserve the right to edit a manuscript literary and reduce it for a better perception of the text by readers, without changing the main positions of the content of the material.

- Data presented in the manuscript must be original. The editors do not consider materials previously published in other periodicals or presented for publication in other periodicals. Exception may be in cases where the author and editor expressly disclaim deliberate reprint of articles if, on their opinion, it is important for public health. For example, the recommendations developed by governmental and professional organizations, designed for the widest possible range of readers may be reprinted from other journals with the consent of their editors and authors.

- The Editorial Board of the journal “Clinical and Experimental Surgery. Journal named by Academician B.V. Petrovsky” gives readers an opportunity to send comments, questions and criticisms by email (, and at the website

- The authors are responsible for the accuracy of research results presented in the manuscript.

- Results of randomized controlled trials are to be ex- ecuted in accordance with existing standards for this research design (

Requirements for Manuscripts

- Requirements for manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal “Clinical and Experimental Surgery. Journal named by Academician B.V. Petrovsky”, are drawn up in accordance with the Uniform Requirements developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE;

- Manuscripts submitted for publication must be written in Russian or English, and correspond to the topics of the journal. Papers will be accepted only in electronic form. Manuscripts should be submitted in rich text files (.rtf, .doc) in a text editor Word*, font Times New Roman, font size 12 Fri, 2.0 line spacing, margins (left, top, right and bottom) 2.5 cm, shifts in words and indentation – automatic. This text formatting should be present in all sections of the manuscript (title page, abstract, main text, acknowledgments, references, tables, captions under tables and pictures). Pages of the manuscript should be numbered sequentially, starting with the title page and ending the page with captions. The manuscript of the original article should not exceed 10–12 pages, review article – 13–16 pages, case reports – 4–5 pages of a computer set (including a list of references). Manuscripts should be sent to the editors by email (, and to the website of the Journal

- The manuscript should have a cover letter with signatures (and signature decipherments) of all authors. A cover letter should be scanned and sent by e-mail in a separate file (in the format PDF). The cover letter should indicate that the material is submitted for publication for the first time, and the manuscript is approved by all authors.

- The title page of the manuscript shall include: title of the article in Russian and English (reductions are not allowed in the title of the manuscript), data about each author (in Russian and English):

  • – Name and surname of each author (full) with superscript numeral (before the name) indicating affiliation of the author to a particular institution;
  • – Work place of each author with a superscript num- ber corresponding to the superscript number before the author’s name;
  • – Full name, address and telephone number of the institution where the work was done (research institute, university, department, division, laboratory, hospital etc.);
  • – E-mail of each author or the institution in which this author works.
  • – You must separately specify the name and surname, postal address, telephone number and e-mail of Corresponding author with whom the Editors will have negotiations and hold correspondence relating to the material presented.

- At the beginning of the manuscript (before the main text) extended abstract (summary) in Russian and English should be placed (size – 1 page of a computer set, text is formatted by the rules above). The abstract should contain a brief description of the nature of a research with bringing a particular digital material. The abstract should be highlighted: relevance, objective, material and methods, results, conclusions, and formulated design of the study (prospective or retrospective), indicating the level of evidence: I or II. Avoid abbreviations in the summary.
- Keywords should be given after the annotation in Russian and English.

- The original article should include the following sections:

  • – Introduction: brief justification of a relevance of the research, with data from foreign and domestic literature. In the introduction the goal and objectives should be formulated, the study design (prospective or retrospective) and the level of evidence must be specified: I or II.
  • – Material and Methods (Patients and Methods): a clinical or experimental material description, ways and means of solving tasks, including statistical methods. It is necessary to describe in detail statistical research methods later in this section, so the reader would be able to verify the results of the study.
  • – Results: description and explanation of all the data obtained with indicating the results of a statistical processing, level of evidence (I or II), recommendations on the implementation of the results or the need for further research on this topic.
  • – Discussion: the state of the development of the issue or the problem studied, with focusing on the new and important aspects of the study, comparing the results with those of other authors (with references to the domestic and foreign literature).
  • – Conclusion: a brief description of the outcome of the scientific research. Conclusions should logically correspond to the objective and tasks. Avoid conclusions which are not corroborated by evidence.

- Only standard symbols and abbreviations could be used in the main text of the manuscript. All abbreviations, except units (l, m2, kg , etc.) may be used only after the original spelling of each term in decrypted form and then its abbreviation form, which is given in parentheses. If more than 10 acronyms are used in the article, a separate list of abbreviations should be established.

- When describing drugs one should indicate their International Nonproprietary Names (INN) and stick carefully calibrated doses.

- Semantic allocations are to be made bold or italic.

- Grants, sources of financial support, technical and other assistance are indicated in the “Acknowledgements” section at the end of the text before the list of references.

IIa. Illustrative material

- Illustrations (tables, charts, diagrams, drawings, photographs) are to be submitted as separate files in jpg, tiff, eps, psd; captions – in a separate file in Word format in the form of numbered. All illustrations numbers should be consistent with the numbering in the text of the manuscript. Image size in the sending file must be equal to its final physical size (in millimeters), with a resolution of at least 300 dpi or of not less than 2 megabytes. The name of each file containing the image must conform to the numbering of figures – “Fig. 1 (2, 3, etc.)”. Screen copies (printscreens) will not be accepted.

- Tables allow concisely and accurately represent important information, thereby reducing the volume of the main text of the manuscript. Tables should contain only the necessary data, and provide a generalized and statistically processed materials. Do not use horizontal or vertical lines within the table. Legends and explanatory captions should be placed below the table. Reductions used in a table must be decoded at the end of a legend in alphabetical order. References to tables in the text of the manuscript are made as follows: “Table 1 (2, 3, etc.)”. Do not insert tables into the text of the manuscript.

- Drawings (schemes of operations, etc.) must be carried out professionally in black on a white background, photographed and presented in a quality digital image. Letters, numbers, symbols in the figures should contrast with the background, to be clear, uniform and large enough to remain legible after the publication of the picture.

- The same type of images must be identical in size, scale, nature of information. Names and explanations of the content of the picture should be presented in the caption (legend), and not on the figure.

- Radiographs, tomograms, ultrasonograms and other diagnostic images, as well as images of operational and pathological preparations and microscopic slides are to be presented in the form of contrasting black and white, or (preferably) color photographs. Signatures below the micrographs shall indicate the scale (the magnification) and the method of staining.

- Other photos (intraoperative photos, images of devices, tools, equipment, etc.) should be sharp, possibly colored and contain easily understandable symbols. Photos of potentially identifiable people (patients, whose face is unmasked) must be accompanied by an indication of the written permission to be published.

- Captions (legends) must be typed on a separate sheet (in a text editor Word, font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 2.0, 2.5 cm in all margins, shifts in words and indentation – automatic) and numbered in Arabic numerals in order of appearance figures in the text. At the end of each legend authors must specify (in alphabetical order) and decipher all abbreviations in the figures available.

- If the drawing (table, photo etc.) has been previously published elsewhere, indicate the original source and obtain written permission from the copyright holder for reproduction the pattern, except for documents in the public domain.

IIb. Bibliographic references

- The Editorial Board invites the authors to make bibliographic references to original works. Avoid references to abstracts and review articles.

- The bibliographic references in the text of the manuscript, tables, and legends under tables and images are marked with Arabic numerals in square brackets, starting with [1] and then [2, 3, 4, 5 ....]. Do not use superscript numbers of references and endnotes. Number consecutively all bibliographic references as they appear in the text. In accordance with this numbering (in order of citation) compile a list of references where each bibliographic reference begins with the author’s name, or (if there is a large number of authors) – with a title of an article or book (see below – GOST 7.1–2003). References provided in tables or figure captions, but absent in the main text should be numbered in sequence corresponding to the first mention of the table or figure in the main text of the manuscript. Requirement to make a list of references in order of citation also applies to articles written by foreign authors in English.

- The list of references in manuscripts written in Russian, is to be drawn up in accordance with Russian standard GOST 7.1-2005 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description”**. References in manuscripts written by foreign authors in English, are to be compiled in accordance with European and American standards for bibliographic description of printed works. In the list of references would be done:

  • – for books: surname and initials of the author, book title, place of publication (city), publisher, year, volume, number of pages, or a link to a specific page.
  • – for journal articles: surname and initials of the author, article title, journal name, year, volume, issue, page numbers from and to, or link to a specific page.
  • – for proceedings of scientific conferences: surname and initials of the author, title of article, title of the conference, place (city), year, page numbers to and from, or link to a specific page.
  • – for dissertation abstracts: surname and initials of the author, title, place of publication (city), year, number of pages***.

- Do not include manuscripts (dissertations), unpublished works and textbooks in the list of references.

- When citing electronic materials authors are required to make reference to relevant Internet resources (electronic documents, databases, portals, sites, web pages, etc.).

- It is recommended to use in the original article at least 10 and not more than 30 reliable sources. In a review article it should not be more than 50 sources.

- The author is responsible for the correctness of the data provided in the reference list.

Ethical provisions

- The Editorial Board of the journal “Clinical and Experimental Surgery. Journal named by Academician B.V. Petrovsky” adheres to the principles set forth in the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association (WMA) “Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Research”, adopted by the 18th WMA General Assembly in June 1964, amended and supplemented by the General Assemblies of WMA in 1975– 2008 (, and holds that all clinical researches involving human subjects should be conducted in accordance with such principles. In the “Material and methods” section, authors should specify that a written voluntary informed consent was obtained from all patients or volunteers before they were subjected to a scientific research.

- Information such as names, initials, numbers of patient records should not be published either in the text or illustrations (e.g. X-ray films) or captions to them, except in cases where such information is essential for scientific purposes. In such cases, a written voluntary consent of patients (parents or guardians) is mandatory. The same goes for images of patients. Authors should inform the patient, whether his or here data (including photographs) would be published in print or online. Informed consent requires that patients consenting to publish their data would be able to review the manuscript and illustrative material prior to publication.

- If animals are used as the study subjects, it should be noted in the text of the manuscript that authors have provided a humane attitude toward them. In the “Material and methods” section it is necessary to indicate that all investigators are acted in accordance with the “Rules for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” (see books/labrats/contents.html) or in accordance with local or national guidelines on that subject.

- The contribution of each author in the research must be essential. Each author should be directly involved in the research study and writing of the manuscript, and to be responsible for its content. Other participants in the work that do not meet criteria for authorship, should be specified in the “Acknowledgements” at the end of the manuscript.

- When using citations in the text of the manuscript (in quotation marks) you must specify the source of the quotation in footnote (author’s name, title of publication, city, Publishing house, year, page number). Quotations cited in the article should be carefully checked by the authors.

- Manuscripts which are executed not in accordance with the rules of the Editorial Board, will not be accepted. In case of reviewing the manuscript, but its failure to publish, justified denial is sending to authors by email. In some cases, the manuscript may be sent to authors with a proposal to make some amendments and resubmit the corrected manuscript to the Editors for a repeated review.

- Reviewers have a right to privacy, which is strictly enforced by the Editors. Names of reviewers and their comments are not published and are not disclosed without the permission of the reviewers and the Editor.

- Manuscripts should be submitted to the Journal in electronic form (, dzem@ and on the website

- Articles devoted to the jubilee events should be sent to the Editorial office not later than 6 months before the landmark date.

- All matters relating to the review and publication of manuscripts should be sent in electronic form (, and on the website

- Confidentiality of all correspondence is guaranteed. All manuscripts and letters in all sections of the Journal are available to read only by their authors, members of the Editorial Board and reviewers.

Fee for publication will not be charged.

* Manuscripts should not be submitted in PDF format.

** Bibliographical description of books, journal articles and proceedings in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 varies depending on a number of authors. Description may begin with the first author’s name, or (when there is a large number of authors) with the title of the book or article.

*** References to dissertations, as well as other manuscripts, are not allowed.

All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

Journals of «GEOTAR-Media»