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4 . 2015

Reconstruction of combined defects of cranial vault in patients with malignant tumors of the scalp


Surgical treatment of skin cancer of the scalp, involving calvaria is inconceivable without one-stage reconstruction of postoperative defect. The latter is an integral part of social and labor rehabilitation of this kind of patients, and in some clinical situations – a procedure of vital importance. In this research, there is comparative valuation of reconstruction methods of scalp and calvarial defects after removal of locally advanced recurrent skin cancer. There was also an attempt made to propose indications for the kind of reconstruction depending on the size and localization of soft tissue and bone defects of the scalp.

As a result, studies have concluded that most of the defects could be repaired using local flaps, and if necessary, in combination with split-thikness skin grafts. Reconstruction with free revascularized flaps should be considered when all other easier options have been exhausted. The use of allografts is justified for bone defects of the cranial vault in aesthetically important areas such as the frontal, in order to preserve the contours of the head and brain protection from external influences. The reconstruction of limited calvarial defects could be refrained without significant consequences for the patient.

Keywords:skin cancer, reconstruction, scalp defect, calvarial defect

Clin. Experiment. Surg. Petrovsky J. 2015. № 4. Р. 56–62.


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Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

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