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4 . 2015

Role of endoscopic fine needle aspiration in morphological verification of lung cancer


The lung cancer verificarion is still an important issue. Endosonography from upper GI tract with fine needle (EUS-FNA) is a method which can be used for controlled tissue sampling from primary tumor for morphological study in patients with central lung cancer in case of diagnostic dilemmas as well from locoregionsl and distant metastasis if endosonographic visualization is possible.

To determine the role of EUS-FNA in the algorithm of lung cancer differential diagnosis between primary and metastatic lesions and compare effectiveness of EUS-FNA with other minimaly invasive methods of biopsy.

Designs and methods. 89 patients in whom EUS-FNA was performed for morphological verification of lung cancer from 2011 till 2013 years were enrolled in the study. All patients had either confirmed or suspected mediastinum or upper abdomen lymphadenopathy, presumably distant metastasis. In 46 patients the procedure was used for staging in cases where earlier succseful or unsuccessful attempts of diagnosis verifications with other methods.

Results. In 79 (88.8%) out of 89 patients EUS-FNA was successful in morphological verification of lung cancer in comparison with 67.3% in bronchoscopy group, 62.5% with transbronchial biopsy under ultrusonography, 48.3% with percuteneous biopsy under x-ray methods of visualization and 26% in bronchoalveolar lavage group. No complications with EUS-FNA was observed neither during the procedure or during observation was noted.

Conclusion. EUS-FNA is highly efficient method of obtaining biopsy sample for morphological verification of the diagnosis as well as safe well-tolerated which can be recommended in clinic without need for hospitalization.

Keywords:endoscopic ultrasonography, fine- needle aspiration, morphological verification, lung cancer

Clin. Experiment. Surg. Petrovsky J. 2015. № 4. Р. 63–72.


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Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

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