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1 . 2016


Dear reader of our journal (and we very much hope that there are such regular readers already!), first of all, int his editorial preface we would like to inform you that our journal “Clinical and Experimental Surgery” named after Academician B.V.Petrovsky has been officially included into the List of VAK (Higher Attestation Commission).This suggests a combination of two qualities: the level of the published studies and the level of printing and editorial work. The circulation has also changed – up to 3,000 copies – and a careful reader could not help noticing that too. Of course, we – Editorial Board – understand that we are just at the beginning of our journey and there are still so many problems in front of us, having solved which we will be able to get a real professional recognition. But we can assure all our friends that the main strategic direction of the journal remains the same: to show above all things the intellectual component of modern surgery and medicine, to search for connecting links in surgical versatility, to defend firmly the morality of the medical profession.

And, of course, we look forward to further support from GEOTAR-Media Publishing Group, which helped make the design of our journal one of the best in the modern health information field.

This issue in contrast to the previous one is polythematic: oncology in transplantation, genetics in reconstructive surgery and diagnostics, cardiovascular reconstructions and unique clinical observations.

We wish you a good read and happy 2016!

Editor-in-chief Sergey Dzemeshkevich,

MD, Professor

All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

Journals of «GEOTAR-Media»