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2 . 2016


There are publications in the scientific literature that can be defined as a historical event and a masterpiece of common cultural values. That is why our editorial board could not pass the 70-year jubilee of publishing “Purulent Surgery Essays” written by Archbishop of Crimea Luka (Professor V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky). And only those who have read this work, experienced the shock from the expressivity and brightness of his Russian language will understand what I am talking about. And this is not just a beautiful pretext to make an issue of our journal based on one of the “eternal” problems of surgery, but a tribute to the memory of our compatriot who was really a great figure of his era – in surgery as well as in human wisdom and courage.

And one more important for us period of Archbishop Luka’s of life: in 1908 he was an intern and performed research at the Department of Hospital Surgery of Moscow State University, and the National Research Center of Surgery named after Academician Petrovsky whose portrait adorns the cover of our journal has grown on the basis of that department.

Here is a historic roll call, without which there is no development and progress. Hopefully, the materials on infection in modern surgery that are presented in this issue of our journal will be interesting and helpful both for our regular readers and those who are opening our journal for the first time.

Editor-in-chief Sergey Dzemeshkevich,

MD, Professor

All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

Journals of «GEOTAR-Media»