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1 . 2013


Dear Reader,

Does Russia need a new journal of surgery nowadays? You are keeping it in your hands, so for the whole editorial board of our new journal of surgery the answer to this question is evident – yes, definitely.

Dear Colleagues,

The idea of our new journal is for it to be multidisciplinary surgical publication, as the era of separating surgical specialties is over, and now an interchange of achievements is required in order to develop the progress in surgery. New medical periodical «Clinical and Experimental Surgery. Journal named by Academician B.V. Petrovsky» appeals to unite all the surgical specialties into a single intellectual environment with modern systems of communication and integration. For this purpose, on-line version of the journal will include an expanded electronic version and multimedia materials.

It is time to admit that modern surgery has gone far beyond the frames of applied discipline. Therefore the editorial board will seek for and publish the studies of basic research, contributing to the creation of new research areas, and broadcasting these results into practical surgery. Multidisciplinary journal and multidisciplinary approach in lining up scientific materials aim to start discussions, potentiating the development of innovative, interdisciplinary and international collaborative projects.

The journal also presents columns devoted to educational, moral, ethical and legal aspects of surgery. We hope that this will attract those scientists and researchers who have not had opportunities before to publish their work for a particular target audience.

Will not remain unnoticed the news of practical health care and analytical reviews which include the assessment of new medical technologies. On the one hand, this will allow to identify the most actual problems and issues of everyday surgical practice and, on the other hand, to have reviews of results of the use of technologies already exported into practical health care.

Finally, international colleagues involvement in the editorial board, and bilingual form of publication reflect our openness and willingness to see the results of research and surgical activity of various medical schools. In fact the rapid development of information technologies offers unique opportunities for a more intense collaboration between scientists and physicians from various countries regardless of boarders and distance.

Our journal already has its hallmark – it is named by Boris Petrovsky. Assuming this responsibility, the new journal’s editorial board will put the most efforts to successfully reach the goals.

Главный редактор Сергей Дземешкевич,

доктор медицинских наук, профессор

All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

Journals of «GEOTAR-Media»