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2 . 2013

Nephrotoxicity and risk of contrast-induced nephropathy depending of the contrast medium type in patients with moderate chronic renal insufficiency


In retrospective nonrandomized trial were included 137 patients with moderate chronic renal insufficiency (GFR=30–59 ml/xmin1, 73 м2), who underwent coronary angiography (CAG). The patients were divided into two group depending of the contrast medium type. In the I group involved 72 patients, all this patients underwent CAG and received iso osmolar (iodixanol) contrast media (IOCM). In the II group involved 65 patients, all this patients received low osmolar contrast media (LOCM). The end point of study were an average increase in serum creatinine (δ SCr) and the incidence of CIN (an increase in serum creatinine more than 25% or 0,5 mg/dl (44,2 μmol/l) during 3 days after CAG in an absence of alternative causes). In the IOCM group an average increase in serum creatinine was 0,17 mg/dl (15 μmol/l), while in the control group – 0,4 mg/dl (35,5 μmol/l), p=0,05. The incidence of CIN during 3 days after CAG was significantly lower in IOCM group patients – 5 (6,9%), comparing with 13 (20%) in LOCM group patients, р=0,04. The results of study shows, that IOCM (iodixanol) is more safety than LOCM in patients with moderate chronic renal insufficiency and can be using as a contrast medium of choice in cardiac patients.

Keywords:contrast-induced nephropathy, iso-osmolar contrastmedia,coronary angiography

Clin. Experiment. Surg. Petrovsky J. – 2013. – N 2. – Р. 14–19.

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Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

Journals of «GEOTAR-Media»