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2 . 2013

Two-stage extended hepatic resection in patient with hepatoblastoma: first national experience


In our article we are presented by the clinical observation of patient with extensive hepatoblastomas C1E0F- 0H0M0N0P0V2. This is the first experience of to-stage liver resection in Russian pediatric practice. Transplant technologies were translated in the actual problems of small-for-syze remnant after extended liver resection. The special preoperative examination including CТ and ultrasonography with virtual liver transection and volumetric calculation were main predic and control factors for hepatic insufficiency. The first stage of the surgery was performed by transection liver into the right lobe + IV segment and left lateral section (split in situ). Moreover, we ligated right vena porta for stimulation liver regeneration. 8 days later volume of the remnant was twice more than initial volume. Thus, our observation of a patient with extensive hepatoblastomas PRETEXT III is demonstrated high potential to-stage liver resection in case of critical deficiency of cadaveric and relative donation of liver.

Keywords:hepatoblastoma, SIOPEL, PRETEXT, the Beckwith– Wiedemann Syndrome, split in situ, extended liver resection, two-stage liver resection

Clin. Experiment. Surg. Petrovsky J. – 2013. – N 2. – Р. 28–35.

All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

Journals of «GEOTAR-Media»