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2 . 2018



The first issue of our journal (N 1, 2013) went to print on the 50th anniversary of the Petrovsky National Research Center of Surgery, the major creation by academician Boris Petrovsky. Today, it is the 110th anniversary of the outstanding Russian physician of the ХХ century, and we marked this occasion by a collection of photos kindly provided by the Museum of the Petrovsky National Research Center of Surgery. A number of photos are published for the first time. The main topics of this journal are dedicated to essential aspects of abdominal surgery. It is symbolic in a sense too, since this very type of surgery was the beginning of the professional career of the previous century surgeons, when extra-narrow area of expertise was yet to come, and universalism and high level of basic essential education were valued.

Creative effort and success of developments in vascular surgery, military surgery, thoracic surgery, cardiosurgery and microvascular surgery were on the horizon, as well as establishment of first intensive care units of surgical hepatology, transplantology and artificial heart in our country. These days, all these areas, both in clinical and experimental aspects, are a target program of our journal named after academician Boris Vasilyevich Petrovsky.

Editor-in-chief Sergey Dzemeshkevich, 

MD, Professor 

All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

Journals of «GEOTAR-Media»