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3 . 2019

The problem of the social-humanitarian assessment for the new legislation on organ donorship


The bill prepared by the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation on "Human organ donation and transplantation" represents a serious social innovation in the system of transplantological 7027 service. In this bill the important step in ensuring the rights and the dignity of donors, doctors and recipients is taken. Progress in a development of moral standards of organs harvesting from mechanisms of routine harvesting in the USSR, through establishment of the principle of a presumed consent in the 1992 year legislation to its enhancement by implementation of "The register of citizens wills" in the coming law was examined. It was noted that various interpretations of the principle of presumed consent is based on morally significant attitude to donors and their bodies as to a national resource, his/her (donor’s) property and as the altruistic gift of life to the suffering persons. The general provision of the need of social-humanitarian assessment for insuring of effective implementation of innovations in biomedicine covers human organ donation. Key problems are noted: a problem of effective work with the population for ensuring favorable perception of the new law and a complex of problems with development of organ donorship in children. Complex of the social-humanitarian assessment consists of diagnostics, monitoring and management of possible risks of the new legislation implementation.

Keywords:the bill "On Human Organ Donation and Transplantation”, presumed consent, opt out, informed consent, opt in, mediation of the conflicts, organ donation, social-humanitarian assessment, organ transplantation, body as a resource, body as property, body as a gift

For citation: Tishchenko P.D. The problem of the social-humanitarian assessment for the new legislation on organ donor-ship. Clin Experiment Surg. Petrovsky J. 2019; 7 (3): 8–14. doi: 10.24411/2308-1198-2019-13001 (in Russian)
Received 26.06.2019. Accepted 25.07.2019.


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Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

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