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3 . 2019

Continuous-flow left ventricular assist device implantation followed by heart transplantation in patient with endarteritis obliterans and high pulmonary hypertension


Heart transplantation and the left ventricular assist device implantation as “bridge to transplantation” or “destination therapy” are surgical methods of the end-stage heart failure treatment. Despite the latest achievements in this field of medicine, these methods have contraindications. The results of the left ventricular assist device implantation followed by heart transplantation in patient with endarteritis obliterans and high pulmonary hypertension are described in this case report.

Keywords:left ventricular assist device, mechanical circulatory support, heart failure, heart transplantation, endarteritis obliterans

For citation: Pya Yu.V., Bekbossynova M.S., Andossova S.A., Dzhetybayeva S.K., Medressova A.T., Khissamutdinov N.F., Bekbossynov S.T., Novikova S.P., Tauyekelova A.T., Kaliyev R.B., Smagulov N.K. Continuous-flow left ventricular assist device implantation followed by heart transplantation in patient with endarteriitisobliterans and high pulmonary hypertension. Clin Experiment Surg. Petrovsky J. 2019; 7 (3): 40–3. doi: 10.24411/2308-1198-2019-13004 (in Russian)

Received 22.06.2019. Accepted 25.07.2019.


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Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

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