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4 . 2019

Echinococcosis of the heart. The results of surgical treatment


Echinococcosis of the heart continues to be an urgent problem of medical parasitology. The choice of the optimal tactics of maintaining patient data allows to obtain good results of radical surgical treatment. The result of the surgical treatment of echinococcosis of the heart for the 18 year period is presented.

Keywords:heart echinococcosis, diagnosis, surgical treatment

For citation: Ivanov V.A., Dzemeshkevich S.L., Podchasov D.A., Nikitjuk T.G., Ivanova L.N. Echinococcosis of the heart. The results of surgical treatment. Clin Experiment Surg. Petrovsky J. 2019; 7 (4): 50–6. doi: 10.24411/2308-1198-2019- 14006 (in Russian)
Received 04.07.2019. Accepted 31.10.2019.


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Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

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