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2 . 2020

The comparative analysis of the area of anastomosis at various options of a pancreatojejunostomy


Background. Results of surgical treatment of chronic pancreatitis depend on efficiency of functioning pancreaticojejunostomy. Considering an organ-preserving trend, development of new ways of operations with increase in the area of an anastomosis is one of the challenges of a surgical pancreatology.

Aim – to conduct a comparative assessment of indicators of the area of anastomosis in different variants of pancreat(-ic)ojejunostomy.

Material and methods. The prospective controlled research with calculation of the area of anastomosis according to presurgical and intraoperative diagnostics at 41 patients with chronic pancreatitis with violation of passability of the main pancreatic duct throughout without increase in the sizes of the pancreas head is conducted. Calculation of the area of anastomosis was executed according to geometric formula of fundamental mathematics taking into account their transfer on parameters of measurements of the main pancreatic duct and the pancreas as objects with a certain roughness of contours and assessment of a relative difference between indicators.

Results. Comparison of indicators of the area of anastomosis at traditional (n=22) and original (n=19) ways of a pancreaticojejunostomy showed advantage of the last one in increase in the area of anastomosis, including: an original way of a longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy with excision of a front surface of a pancreas (n=11) for 20% vs a traditional longitudinal pancreaticojejunos- tomy and repeatedly before terminoterminal (lateral) pancreaticojejunostomy; an original way of a bilateral pancreaticojejunostomy (n=4) for 14.3% vs a traditional bilateral pancreaticojejunostomy and more, than twice (127.2–128.6%) vs terminoterminal (lateral) pancreaticojejunostomy; an original way of a pancreaticojejunostomy with inclusion of the kept back surface of a pancreas, a distal and proximal stump of the main pancreatic duct (n=4) repeatedly vs other alternative ways of surgical treatment.

Conclusions. 1. Rather narrow main pancreatic duct and/or defect (diastasis) along its course is an indication to the application of the original ways of pancreatojejunostomy with expansion of anastomosis area. 2. Introduction in clinical practice of new ways of a longitudinal and bilateral pancreat(-ic)ojejunostomy allows to exclude application of more traumatic resection.

Keywords:chronic pancreatitis, main pancreatic duct, pancreas, pancreat(-ic)ojejunostomy, multispiral computerized tomography

Conflict of interestThe authors declare no conflict of interest.
For citation: Propp А.R., Degovtsov E.N., Kotenko V.V. The comparative analysis of the area of anastomosis at various options of a pancreatojejunostomy. Clin Experiment Surg. Petrovsky J. 2020; 8 (2): 58–66. DOI: 10.33029/2308-1198- 2020-8-2-58-66 (in Russian)
Received 31.05.2019. Accepted 26.03.2020.


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Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

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