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1 . 2023



Anniversary events always imply self-assessment... With this issue published, our journal is on the cusp of its second decade. This very fact seems significant because we all together (the publishing house, the editorial board, the contributors and the readers) have managed to secure our journal ‘on the stand’ of the Russian science and surgery despite one of the stormiest decades in the history of our country. Currently, the journal is well-known and has been recognized not only in Russia.

This issue starts a new decade and a new level of our journal: as soon as you see the cover photo, you will observe changes in the specialties for which contributions will be accepted by our journal under the new licensing status:

- surgery;

- cardiovascular surgery;

- transplantology;

- genetics;

- anatomical pathology.

It comes out of many years of efforts to establish our principal publishing strategy: efficient practical surgery and its progress are possible only by virtue of a fundamental scientific search. No doubt the problems are abundant but the ways to further improve our activities are understood well. We hope that expanding competencies of our journal will attract to our edition young researches from various branches of medical science: it is the new generation that will have to stop sprinkling ashes upon their heads and to come to the level of world-wide recognition as soon-to-be Nikolay Pirogov, Petr Herzen, Sergei Yudin, Nikolai Amosov, Vladimir Demikhov, Boris Petrovsky, etc.

To believe in oneself is the only chance for a creative soul to pass this belief to others.


With confidence in implementing our plans and with best regards, S.L. Dzemeshkevich

Editor-in-Chief Cardiac Surgeon Sergey Dzemeshkevich

All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

Journals of «GEOTAR-Media»