Dear colleagues,
Our regular
readers and authors are aware that our editorial team does not encourage review
publications. The reason is obvious: as a rule, such reviews of literature are
excerpts of theses, and they pursue an objective of getting another
contribution, which serves for practical purposes and is a far cry from
science. Even though the majority of main problems in surgery have longstanding
protocols (recommendations) that are updated and reissued each 2–3 years both
at the international and national level. For all that, we do publish analytical
reviews for a number of fundamental medical problems if they contain rare
information and analysis of major problems concerning our occupation. An
example of such publication is the article by American authors David Cooper and
Aziz Salim, which is about recent advances and hurdles yet to pass for cardiac
xenotransplantation: there is a long distance to take before such material is
approved in the protocols. In this issue, we would like you to pay attention to
the article by Abram L. Syrkin and Evgeniya A. Kogan, which analyzes ideas
about the nature of cardiac ageing followed by a developing decrease in the
majority of physiological functions. Such information is extremely important
because the number of patients at surgical hospitals with an increased
fragility of their bodies is on the rise.
Anyway, other
publications in the present issue of our journal are extremely interesting too.
Editor-in-Chief Sergey