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3 . 2023

Treatment of burn wounds using chitosan wound dressings


Today, burn injuries are an urgent problem because of the high level of global industrialization, as well as the peculiarities of social and household factors which follow it. Despite the long-term practice of treating burns, this topic is of interest in the development of new innovative methods of treatment.

According to the results of a randomized study with 43 patients included, the use of innovative hydrogel-based dressings (“Chitocol”) facilitates the process of therapy in the burn unit patients who do not need a large operation. When observed for 30–120 days using the author’s evaluation scale by O.V. Vladimirova, it was noted that the patients of the study group did not complain of significant pain syndrome in wounds both during dressings and during the entire period of application of “Chitocol”. This coating creates natural conditions for the regeneration of the superficial and deep layers of the skin and thereby facilitates the work of doctors, reducing the number of dressings compared to standard methods of treatment. The use of “Chitocol” reduces the healing time of wound defects, thereby improving the quality of life of patients undergoing long-term rehabilitation, both in hospital and outpatient.

Keywords:burns; chitosan; treatment of burns; hydrogel wound coating; Chitocol

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

For citation: Vladimirova O.V., Lavreshin P.M., Minaev S.V., Korablina S.S., Baychorov H.M., Terekhin A.V., Vergasov M.M., Rybalko A.E. Treatment of burn wounds using chitosan wound dressings. Clinical and Experimental Surgery. Petrovsky Journal. 2023; 11 (3): 99–104. DOI:  (in Russian)


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Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

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