Dear authors!

From January 1, 2021, scientific articles are sent to the editorial board of research and practical peer-reviewed journal "Clinical and Experimental Surgery. Petrovsky journal" ONLY in an electronic form through the online form available on the journal's website - SEND ARTICLE.

Articles received by e-mail will not be considered. Thank you for understanding!

Information for authors of research and practical peer-reviewed journal “Clinical and Experimental Surgery. Petrovsky journal"


- Editorial Board provides the peer-review (expert review) of the articles sent for publication. The Journal adheres to the principles of the international organization Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE). Publication of the article is available only after receiving a positive expert opinion and, if necessary, a positive assessment from an expert in biomedical statistics.

- If the article is admitted to publication, it is kindly requested to report the results of the randomized controlled trials in accordance with the current set of recommendations for such design researches (

- The Editorial Board reserves the right to literary edit (including possible reduction of the text), aiming to provide better apprehension without changing the main ideas of the content of the article.

- Editorial does not consider the content that was already published earlier in other journals.


- Manuscripts presented for publication in the journal should be written in Russian or in English, and correspond to the topics edition.

- English-language articles should have translation agency's certificate confirming the quality of the translation. Manuscripts should be in format text files (.rtf, .doc, and etc.) (do not submit manuscripts in PDF format). Text should be entered in Word, Times font, size 12, line-spacing 1,5. Article size should be up to 10-12 pages, clinical case - up to 4-6 pages (including reference). Manuscripts should be sent to the editorial office ONLY in an electronic form through the online form available on the journal's website – «SEND ARTICLE».

- The article should have a cover letter on the letterhead of the institution where the research was conducted (with the signatures and transcripts of signatures of all authors), specifying that the material is published for the first time. It should also declare that the material is approved by all of its authors. Like other materials of the article, the cover letter should be sent through the online form «SEND ARTICLE».

- It is necessary to section the text into: "Introduction", "Materials and Methods", "Results", "Discussion", "Conclusion".

- The front page of the article should contain: title of the article (abbreviations should not be used in the title); full name (last names), job position, academic degree, academic title of each author(s); ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) of each author; institutional affiliation of each author; e-mail of each author; full name in Russian and English, addresses and phone numbers of institutions, at the premises of which the research was held; the full name of the head of department, clinic, laboratory; signatures of all authors. Must include the full name, phone number and e-mail of the author, who can negotiate and maintain correspondence relating the material submitted to the Editorial Board.

- The paper should include an extended abstract (summary), structured by sections, in Russian and English (size - 1 printed page). The abstract should contain the Aim of the study, Material and methods, Results (including specific digital materials) and Conclusion, as well as formulated design of the study (retrospective or prospective).

- Article in Russian and in English should include the keywords and the full name of the institution at the premises of which the research was held.

- Use only standard symbols and abbreviations. Do not use abbreviations in the title. All abbreviations (except units of measurement) can be used only after mentioning the full term.

- Semantic allocations are made in bold type or in italic.

  • The original article should include the following sections:

- Background: a brief substantiation of the relevance of the study with data from foreign and Russian literature. In the background aim, objectives and design (retrospective or prospective) of the study should be formulated.

- Material and methods (Patients and methods) should contain the description of clinical or experimental material, ways and methods for solving the tasks, statistical methods. Statistical research methods should be described in detail at the end of this section so that the reader could verify the research results.

- Results should contain the description and explanation of all the data obtained with the results of their statistical processing, recommendations for their implementation or justification of necessity for further research on this topic.

- Discussion should contain state of level of development of studied issue or problem, focusing on new and important aspects of the research; comparison of the results obtained with data of other authors (with references to Russian and foreign literature).

- Conclusion should contain a short description of the results of the research. Conclusions should logically correspond to the tasks set.

  • In the main text of the manuscript, only standard symbols and abbreviations should be used. All abbreviations in the main text, except for units of measurement (l, m2, kg, etc.), should be used only after the initial spelling of each term in a decrypted form, then its abbreviation should be given in brackets.
  • If the article uses 5 or more abbreviations, a separate list of abbreviations should be drawn up.
  • When describing medicinal products, their International Nonproprietary Name (INN) for Pharmaceutical Substances should be included and carefully measured dosages should be followed.
  • Semantic highlights are made in bold or italic type.
  • Conflicts of interest, sources of financial support, technical and other assistance support, grants, as well as contribution of authors to writing an article should be described in sections: "Conflicts of Interest", "Funding", "Contributions of all authors", "Acknowledgments".

IIа. Illustrations

- Each illustration (graphs, charts, drawings, photographs, tables) is represented as a separate file in the format jpg, tif, eps, Power Point, Word; text-signature - separately in Word (with corresponding numeration).

- The image size in the file must be equal to its ultimate physical size (in millimeters) with resolution of 300 dpi or 2 megabytes (and more).

- Printscreens will not be accepted.

- It is necessary to indicate image captions and table titles in Russian and English.

- The illustrations of the same type should be identical in size, scale, nature of presenting information.

- In addition to the standard illustrative material - pictures, graphs, tables - the editorial staff of the journal accepts video materials for accepted for publication articles. There are no restrictions on size, duration and format of video materials. Such video material will be available in the Internet version of the journal ( and will be posted at the end of the publication using the QR code.

IIb. References

The references in the text are given as numerals in square brackets starting with [1] in accordance with the list of references (authors are not listed in alphabetical order). The list of references should include:

  1. a) for books - the full name of the author, job position, place and year of publication, number of pages in a book or a link to a specific page;
  2. b) for journal articles - the full name of the author, journal name, year, volume, issue, link to a specific page;
  3. c) for thesis - summary of this thesis (the full name of the author, doctoral or master's thesis full title, year, place of publication).

The reference list should not include unpublished studies and textbooks or links to dissertations. When citing electronic materials it is necessary to provide a reference to relevant Internet resources - electronic documents, databases, portals, websites, web pages, etc. In the list of references there should be no more than 2-3 online sources.

It is recommended to use no more than 40 reliable sources in the original article. The list of references should contain at least 5 sources published in the last 2 years in periodicals with a high international citation index.

The author is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided in the references.


- Editorial Board adheres to the rules of the Declaration of Helsinki and considers that all of the manned studies should be hold in accordance with these principles. In the section "Materials and Methods", authors should specify that all participants of the study provided informed consent, and the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution.

- To become the co-author one should make a considerable contribution to creation of the research. Each author should be directly involved in writing the material and be responsible for its content. Other participants should be specified in the list of acknowledgements.

- When using the quotations in the article a footnote identifies the source of quotations (name of the publication, year, issue, page).

- When describing the medicines, specify the international non-proprietary name (INN) and carefully verified dosages.

- All questions regarding review and publication of manuscripts should be sent by e-mail

Articles not drawn up according to these recommendations will not be accepted.

No fees for the publication of manuscripts will be charged.

Sergey L. Dzemeshkevich
MD, Professor (Moscow, Russia)

Journals of «GEOTAR-Media»